
Don’t be Sorry: GiveSMALL!

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Give Small


Our esteemed director, Daniel, does deep, detailed textual analysis as he prepares to direct a play (or maybe he just has too much time on his hands).  Sometimes this takes strange forms, such as this recent email:

“The word ‘sorry’ is used 18 times in the play. 12 times as ‘I’m sorry’; 5 times just ‘Sorry’; and one time in the phrase ‘And are you sorry?’ ‘Sorrow’ is used twice, both times in Uncle Benjamin’s recitation of one of Oscar Wilde’s letters from prison.”

I’m sorry I asked. (Except that I didn’t.)

I’m also sorry that your email inbox—if it’s like mine—has been overflowing with invitations from various Worthy Organizations to participate in the Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG day today, May 3rd. I am quite certain that most (or even all) of those Worthy Organizations are deserving of your support, and I hope that you will give generously. (Because of technical problems with Seattle Foundation’s website today, GiveBIG/SMALL has been extended to midnight on Wednesday, May 4.)

We don’t want you to GiveBIG to us. In the immortal words of Stuart McLean, “We may not be big, but we’re small.” So please: GiveSMALL.

We know how to make a buck (or five, or ten) go a long way.  You won’t be Sorry.

But, if you are so kind, we will be Sorry, eighteen times per performance! June 9-26.

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